Livin’ Life on the Pipeline

Destiny Merrill joins us today to share her journey as a pipeline wife. From the exciting and new experiences to the loneliness that life on the road can bring Destiny’s faith, positive attitude and readiness to embrace change will leave you encouraged and hopeful for all the ups and downs life has in store.

The Hive Membership Link:

Connect with Kami

Instagram: @the.bee.podcast
Facebook: The Bee Podcast

Postpartum Depression

Mother of two, Megan Jones joins us today to share her journey through postpartum depression.

She discusses how life looked for her while struggling with PPD, the help she sought in working through it and how she ultimately found that giving herself grace made all the difference.

The Hive Membership Link:

Connect with Megan

Instagram: adventures_of_megan_jones

Connect with Kami

Instagram: @the.bee.podcast
Facebook: The Bee Podcast

The Loss of a Spouse

Lisa Bishop joins us today to share her tragic story of losing her husband and father of her 3 children unexpectedly.

Lisa’s journey of loss, healing and now the hope she has in her family’s future is inspiring and sure to touch your heart.

The Hive Membership Link:

Connect with Kami

Instagram: @the.bee.podcast
Facebook: The Bee Podcast